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We won "The starts in Surrey" : The make it happen community hero award (empowering communities)".

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

Congratulations from the bottom of ours hearts Irina Garmash-Creeger and Ukraine Uk Unity! She won The Stars of Surrey award in Category: The make it happen community hero award (empowering communities). We received award and standing ovation!

'I was pleasantly surprised, overwhelmed & honoured to received the Award. Although the award was given to me as an individual, I wanted to share it with the incredible multicultural strong team of volunteers at Ukraine UK Unity. Our efforts have been stellar, our commitment is unquestionable, and our goals for the future will always involve spreading kindness, compassion, hope and sharing in all that we have and we know with people in need.

We stand with Ukraine. We believe in people!'

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